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Public Land Management & Access


The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party believe that land management over the last few decades have been an unmiti-gated disaster, the breakaway from informed decisions based on science and experience has been thrown aside to ill-informed decisions based on biased emotions. Overwhelmingly, we have seen a rise in the worst outcome; new parks and bushfires. SFFP will push for a fundamental change to land management.


• We have one simple position; public land is to always remain open and accessible for the public

• SFFP will reject any proposals for new parks in Victoria

• Introduce a motion calling for a permanent moratorium on any new parks or restrictive land classifications

• Work to make current recreational activities allowed in state forests retrospectively allowed in appropriate parks

• SFFP will push for government to return to the targets of the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires royal commission

• Advocate for a return to alpine cattle grazing

• SFFP will pursue a review of all public land tenures, their access and recreational activity status including bird sanctuaries, state game reserves, wetlands and parks with emphasis on improving access to recreational activities

• Protect recreational miners rights.

• Helicopter culls are a gross misspend of public funds; we will push for recreational hunters to be the first port of call with helicopters used for more inaccessible areas.

• Ensure that firewood collection in state forests is made far more accessible and integrated into bushfire management strategies

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